Type Of Insurance In Indonesia
Indonesia has some of Insurance type |
If you ask, how about private health insurance indonesia, health insurance companies in indonesia, best health insurance indonesia, indonesia healthcare system 2018, health insurance for expats in indonesia, allianz health insurance indonesia, and international health insurance indonesia. The questions have been discussed and answered in previous articles. Please browse other pages.
It has been discussed earlier that insurance is risk management, where a person or a small group of people (called policyholders or policies or participant) transfers the risks they face to an insurer (called an insurance or insurance insurer) by paying a premium (contributions or contribution). If the policyholder or policies or participant is an individual or private or private health insurance). And then he or she will guarantee himself and / or include his family members. In the event that the policyholder or the participant is a small group (eg companies or agency), then that is usually guaranteed members of the group (employees and members of their families).
With the payment of premium / dues, then any risk of costs incurred due to incidents that occur on the policyholder or participants in accordance with the agreement contained in the agreement / contract will be an insurance liability. Participants included in the list guaranteed in accordance with the terms of the contract or the rule are called the insured. The risks to be assured are called benefit or "benefit" insurance, the scope and the amount of which has been set in advance in the contract or regulation. In health insurance, this benefit is often called a package of benefits because health insurance benefits generally take the form of health services guaranteed by the insurance, while the benefits of life insurance or losses are generally in the form of nominal value of money. Simply insert the definition of insurance can be illustrated with the following illustration or type of insurance in Indonesia.
1. Contract Insurance
The mechanism of insurance is a contractual relationship that governs liabilities and the rights of the parties. Participants are required to pay premiums, and are eligible for benefits insurance, while asuradur are entitled to receive premium and compulsory payments paying the benefit in the form of money directly to the participant or paying the benefit to a third party providing services to the participants, such as a car repair shop or health facility. However, compared to other contractual relationships, insurance contracts have characteristics that are not shared by other contractual relationships. Because of the uniqueness of this insurance contract, then the management or insurance business is set very tight or implemented directly by the government. The characteristics of the insurance contract are as follows:
In insurance contracts, new insurance liabilities will occur if a predetermined condition (such as illness or loss of property) occurs in the insured person. If the insured does not experience the incident, then there is no obligation asuradur provide benefits. Such characteristics will not be found in other contracts, such as contracts for the purchase of goods or leases. Therefore, in an insurance contract such as a civil servant's health insurance, an employee who is more than 20 years old never gets sick while he continues to pay contributions (because it is mandatory and directly deducted from his salary), has no right to demand refund contributions. Unlike the old-age savings contract (called Pension Fund Institution-DPLK) in the bank, the savers or their heirs are entitled to recover the money they keep on a regular basis each month at a certain time or after the savers passes away.
In general, the contract is bilateral ie each party has obligations and rights that can be prosecuted if one party does not perform its obligations. In an insurance contract, a party that can be sued for not fulfilling its obligations is the insurers. If the insured does not fulfill his obligations, does not pay a premium for example, he can not be prosecuted, but the rights are automatically lost or the contract automatically disconnected (which in term commercial insurance is called lapse). This unilateral contract is the equivalent (offset) of the conditional nature of the asurasur is not always obliged to pay benefits.
Contracts generally have a balance of economic value between the obligations and rights for the first party or the second party. However, insurance contracts provide much greater value than the obligation of premiums to be paid by participants. For example, a person who becomes a participant of health insurance pays a premium of Rp 250,000 per month. Just four months he paid a premium he had a heart attack and needed surgery that cost (exchange rate) Rp 150 million. Asuradur will provide these benefits, although the premium paid is only Rp. 1 million (4 x Rp 250,000), because in the insurance contract the heart surgery is fully covered. Without contracts are aleatori, it is impossible participants who pay a premium of Rp. 1 million, benefited Rp 150 million. In this case, the participant does not owe Rp 149 million to the insurance company. If he / she stops being a participant after that, the participant has no obligation to pay the premium anymore, otherwise the participant also has no right to benefit again and also will not be required to pay off the Rp. Conversely, a participant or policyholder who has paid a premium of Rp 250,000 per month for 10 years (10x12xRp.250.000 total or Rp 30 million, without interest calculation), but he never gets sick, so never claim insurance benefits. The participant is not entitled at all to the benefit of insurance (accepts rights worth Rp 0 rupiah), because there is no condition that fulfills the contract terms (conditional nature). Asuradur still entitled to receive Rp 30 million (plus interest) without any obligation to pay the insured.
In contractual ties generally both parties have relatively balanced information about the exchange rate and quality of goods or services set forth in the contract. However, on an insurance contract, the participant or policyholder, especially on the individual insurance (private health insurance in Indonesia), does not have information that is balanced with the information that the assurances have. Asuradur knows more about the probability of illness and the medical expenses required to treat the illness, while the participants do not know it well. As a result, it is difficult for participants to assess whether the premiums charged to them are cheap, reasonable, or too expensive. In other words, the participant is in a weak position (ignorance). That is why, in the insurance industry elsewhere in the world, the government always regulates and closely monitors various aspects of the provision of insurance both in terms of warranty package and policy provisions concerning the content, language and even the size of the letters in the policy, and the assurances of insurance that will ensure the participants will receive the right, if the object of insurance occurs. In the world of insurance, such contracts are often referred to as "take it or leave it" contracts.
2. Premium Payments
According to the nature of membership, insurance can be divided into two major groups namely compulsory membership and voluntary. The nature of the membership is related to the obligation to pay a premium that is also compulsory and voluntary (see illustration). Insurance with membership must be called social insurance, while insurance is voluntary membership, classified as commercial insurance because there is no obligation of someone to participate or buy insurance. The buying nature is a voluntary transaction in commerce (commerce). There are many parties in Indonesia who associate social insurance as insurance for the poor (poor) economic community, so that JPKM was initially declared not as commercial insurance. And with the nature of voluntary membership, insurance can already be grouped become commercial insurance.
3. Social Insurance
Many parties in Indonesia have a misconception about insurance social. Most people assume that social insurance is a program insurance for the poor or less able. On various occasions interaction with the community in the health sector, many of which are of the opinion that the Public Health Maintenance Guarantee (JPKM) was introduced Ministry of Health (MOH) is also a guarantee program for the community poor. This may be linked to the JPKM program within the framework of the Social Safety Net (JPSBK) where the MOH provides incentives to organizations in the district called pre-bapel (organizing body) for developing JPKM. This JPSBK program provides Rp 10,000 per year for each poor family (gakin) to pre-bapel totaling 354 in all Indonesia. The funds are used to finance pre-bapel administration of Rp.800, and the rest to finance the health services of the participants they manage. It is expected that after two years of running the program, the pre bapel can make JPKM products and sell them to the community other than gakin. Perhaps with this program then formed the understanding that the JPKM program is a social insurance program. In fact, the concept of JPKM is a concept of commercial insurance based on voluntary membership. Further discussion on this subject is discussed further in commercial insurance articles.
So, that's article about Type Of Insurance In Indonesia. Thank you to visit. (***)
Indonesia has some of Insurance type |
If you ask, how about private health insurance indonesia, health insurance companies in indonesia, best health insurance indonesia, indonesia healthcare system 2018, health insurance for expats in indonesia, allianz health insurance indonesia, and international health insurance indonesia. The questions have been discussed and answered in previous articles. Please browse other pages.
It has been discussed earlier that insurance is risk management, where a person or a small group of people (called policyholders or policies or participant) transfers the risks they face to an insurer (called an insurance or insurance insurer) by paying a premium (contributions or contribution). If the policyholder or policies or participant is an individual or private or private health insurance). And then he or she will guarantee himself and / or include his family members. In the event that the policyholder or the participant is a small group (eg companies or agency), then that is usually guaranteed members of the group (employees and members of their families).
With the payment of premium / dues, then any risk of costs incurred due to incidents that occur on the policyholder or participants in accordance with the agreement contained in the agreement / contract will be an insurance liability. Participants included in the list guaranteed in accordance with the terms of the contract or the rule are called the insured. The risks to be assured are called benefit or "benefit" insurance, the scope and the amount of which has been set in advance in the contract or regulation. In health insurance, this benefit is often called a package of benefits because health insurance benefits generally take the form of health services guaranteed by the insurance, while the benefits of life insurance or losses are generally in the form of nominal value of money. Simply insert the definition of insurance can be illustrated with the following illustration or type of insurance in Indonesia.
1. Contract Insurance
The mechanism of insurance is a contractual relationship that governs liabilities and the rights of the parties. Participants are required to pay premiums, and are eligible for benefits insurance, while asuradur are entitled to receive premium and compulsory payments paying the benefit in the form of money directly to the participant or paying the benefit to a third party providing services to the participants, such as a car repair shop or health facility. However, compared to other contractual relationships, insurance contracts have characteristics that are not shared by other contractual relationships. Because of the uniqueness of this insurance contract, then the management or insurance business is set very tight or implemented directly by the government. The characteristics of the insurance contract are as follows:
In insurance contracts, new insurance liabilities will occur if a predetermined condition (such as illness or loss of property) occurs in the insured person. If the insured does not experience the incident, then there is no obligation asuradur provide benefits. Such characteristics will not be found in other contracts, such as contracts for the purchase of goods or leases. Therefore, in an insurance contract such as a civil servant's health insurance, an employee who is more than 20 years old never gets sick while he continues to pay contributions (because it is mandatory and directly deducted from his salary), has no right to demand refund contributions. Unlike the old-age savings contract (called Pension Fund Institution-DPLK) in the bank, the savers or their heirs are entitled to recover the money they keep on a regular basis each month at a certain time or after the savers passes away.
In general, the contract is bilateral ie each party has obligations and rights that can be prosecuted if one party does not perform its obligations. In an insurance contract, a party that can be sued for not fulfilling its obligations is the insurers. If the insured does not fulfill his obligations, does not pay a premium for example, he can not be prosecuted, but the rights are automatically lost or the contract automatically disconnected (which in term commercial insurance is called lapse). This unilateral contract is the equivalent (offset) of the conditional nature of the asurasur is not always obliged to pay benefits.
Contracts generally have a balance of economic value between the obligations and rights for the first party or the second party. However, insurance contracts provide much greater value than the obligation of premiums to be paid by participants. For example, a person who becomes a participant of health insurance pays a premium of Rp 250,000 per month. Just four months he paid a premium he had a heart attack and needed surgery that cost (exchange rate) Rp 150 million. Asuradur will provide these benefits, although the premium paid is only Rp. 1 million (4 x Rp 250,000), because in the insurance contract the heart surgery is fully covered. Without contracts are aleatori, it is impossible participants who pay a premium of Rp. 1 million, benefited Rp 150 million. In this case, the participant does not owe Rp 149 million to the insurance company. If he / she stops being a participant after that, the participant has no obligation to pay the premium anymore, otherwise the participant also has no right to benefit again and also will not be required to pay off the Rp. Conversely, a participant or policyholder who has paid a premium of Rp 250,000 per month for 10 years (10x12xRp.250.000 total or Rp 30 million, without interest calculation), but he never gets sick, so never claim insurance benefits. The participant is not entitled at all to the benefit of insurance (accepts rights worth Rp 0 rupiah), because there is no condition that fulfills the contract terms (conditional nature). Asuradur still entitled to receive Rp 30 million (plus interest) without any obligation to pay the insured.
In contractual ties generally both parties have relatively balanced information about the exchange rate and quality of goods or services set forth in the contract. However, on an insurance contract, the participant or policyholder, especially on the individual insurance (private health insurance in Indonesia), does not have information that is balanced with the information that the assurances have. Asuradur knows more about the probability of illness and the medical expenses required to treat the illness, while the participants do not know it well. As a result, it is difficult for participants to assess whether the premiums charged to them are cheap, reasonable, or too expensive. In other words, the participant is in a weak position (ignorance). That is why, in the insurance industry elsewhere in the world, the government always regulates and closely monitors various aspects of the provision of insurance both in terms of warranty package and policy provisions concerning the content, language and even the size of the letters in the policy, and the assurances of insurance that will ensure the participants will receive the right, if the object of insurance occurs. In the world of insurance, such contracts are often referred to as "take it or leave it" contracts.
2. Premium Payments
According to the nature of membership, insurance can be divided into two major groups namely compulsory membership and voluntary. The nature of the membership is related to the obligation to pay a premium that is also compulsory and voluntary (see illustration). Insurance with membership must be called social insurance, while insurance is voluntary membership, classified as commercial insurance because there is no obligation of someone to participate or buy insurance. The buying nature is a voluntary transaction in commerce (commerce). There are many parties in Indonesia who associate social insurance as insurance for the poor (poor) economic community, so that JPKM was initially declared not as commercial insurance. And with the nature of voluntary membership, insurance can already be grouped become commercial insurance.
3. Social Insurance
Many parties in Indonesia have a misconception about insurance social. Most people assume that social insurance is a program insurance for the poor or less able. On various occasions interaction with the community in the health sector, many of which are of the opinion that the Public Health Maintenance Guarantee (JPKM) was introduced Ministry of Health (MOH) is also a guarantee program for the community poor. This may be linked to the JPKM program within the framework of the Social Safety Net (JPSBK) where the MOH provides incentives to organizations in the district called pre-bapel (organizing body) for developing JPKM. This JPSBK program provides Rp 10,000 per year for each poor family (gakin) to pre-bapel totaling 354 in all Indonesia. The funds are used to finance pre-bapel administration of Rp.800, and the rest to finance the health services of the participants they manage. It is expected that after two years of running the program, the pre bapel can make JPKM products and sell them to the community other than gakin. Perhaps with this program then formed the understanding that the JPKM program is a social insurance program. In fact, the concept of JPKM is a concept of commercial insurance based on voluntary membership. Further discussion on this subject is discussed further in commercial insurance articles.
So, that's article about Type Of Insurance In Indonesia. Thank you to visit. (***)
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