Choose Health Insurance Managed Country or Private?

by - April 23, 2018

Choose Health Insurance Managed Country or Private? Here's the Answer - Various insurance products, both types and product names, can actually be grouped from various sides. For example, grouping by type of care, fund manager, member participation, amount of fund borne, insured party, and way of replacement. By grouping by type above, will make it easier for you to get choice of product as needed.

One that needs to be examined is the type of health insurance based on the fund manager. In this case, health insurance is grouped into two types: state-run (country) and private health insurance. Both have slightly different functions and goals. If you understand well, would be easier in the administration process or membership that will impact on the maximum results of the insurance program.

To learn more about the ins and outs of both types of insurance, let's see the review in more detail below.

BPJS Health: State Managed Health Insurance

<img src='' width='100' height='100' alt='Having a Compulsory Health Care BPJS'/>
Having a Compulsory Health Care BPJS

One of the roles of the State in supporting the welfare of the people is the presenting of social security products in terms of health and employment. This has been regulated in Law no. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System and Law no. 24 of 2011 on the Social Security Administering Body which mandates that every Indonesian citizen must follow the program BPJS.

Social security program in Indonesia is divided into two types: BPJS Employment and BPJS Health. As the name implies, what distinguishes the two types of BPJS is the protection of social security provided. For example, all matters related to survival in old age (retirement) are the social responsibility of BPJS Employment, including survival in the event of an accident. While all matters related to health care claims, including survival in the event of illness, become the social responsibility of BPJS Health.

It should be remembered that social security in the form of BPJS emphasizes on mutual cooperation of the participants and is assisted by the State to help each other in need of health cost. That way, the expenses incurred by participants of social security in the form of monthly fees are not great. This is what distinguishes private insurance where the amount of premium is proportional to the amount of benefits to be obtained.

Private Insurance: Pay Premiums and the Company Will Cost It

<img src='' width='100' height='100' alt='With Routine Pay Premium, Protection from Insurance Always Protects Your Finances'/>
With Routine Pay Premium, Protection from Insurance Always Protects Your Finances

Another case with a country that has a special function of providing social security, private parties that manage health insurance is more business-oriented. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding related to this private insurance. For example, Jasa Raharja's insurance is presumed to be private insurance. In fact, Jasa Raharja's insurance is managed by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), which is clearly part of the State.

The practice of private insurance coverage can be in the form of health insurance to provide cash reimbursement for medical expenses due to illness or other forms. People who participate in the insurance program is bound by the agreement contained in insurance policies issued by insurance companies.

So Which Insurance Products Are Best To Be Taken? 

Instead of Choosing One, Why Not Take Both? To choose a suitable insurance product for, the thing to note is the needs of their own.

Choose Health Insurance Managed Country or Private? Here's the Answer - Various insurance products, both types and product names, can actually be grouped from various sides. For example, grouping by type of care, fund manager, member participation, amount of fund borne, insured party, and way of replacement. By grouping by type above, will make it easier for you to get choice of product as needed.

One that needs to be examined is the type of health insurance based on the fund manager. In this case, health insurance is grouped into two types: state-run (country) and private health insurance. Both have slightly different functions and goals. If you understand well, would be easier in the administration process or membership that will impact on the maximum results of the insurance program.

To learn more about the ins and outs of both types of insurance, let's see the review in more detail below.

BPJS Health: State Managed Health Insurance

<img src='' width='100' height='100' alt='Having a Compulsory Health Care BPJS'/>
Having a Compulsory Health Care BPJS

One of the roles of the State in supporting the welfare of the people is the presenting of social security products in terms of health and employment. This has been regulated in Law no. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System and Law no. 24 of 2011 on the Social Security Administering Body which mandates that every Indonesian citizen must follow the program BPJS.

Social security program in Indonesia is divided into two types: BPJS Employment and BPJS Health. As the name implies, what distinguishes the two types of BPJS is the protection of social security provided. For example, all matters related to survival in old age (retirement) are the social responsibility of BPJS Employment, including survival in the event of an accident. While all matters related to health care claims, including survival in the event of illness, become the social responsibility of BPJS Health.

It should be remembered that social security in the form of BPJS emphasizes on mutual cooperation of the participants and is assisted by the State to help each other in need of health cost. That way, the expenses incurred by participants of social security in the form of monthly fees are not great. This is what distinguishes private insurance where the amount of premium is proportional to the amount of benefits to be obtained.

Private Insurance: Pay Premiums and the Company Will Cost It

<img src='' width='100' height='100' alt='With Routine Pay Premium, Protection from Insurance Always Protects Your Finances'/>
With Routine Pay Premium, Protection from Insurance Always Protects Your Finances

Another case with a country that has a special function of providing social security, private parties that manage health insurance is more business-oriented. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding related to this private insurance. For example, Jasa Raharja's insurance is presumed to be private insurance. In fact, Jasa Raharja's insurance is managed by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), which is clearly part of the State.

The practice of private insurance coverage can be in the form of health insurance to provide cash reimbursement for medical expenses due to illness or other forms. People who participate in the insurance program is bound by the agreement contained in insurance policies issued by insurance companies.

So Which Insurance Products Are Best To Be Taken? 

Instead of Choosing One, Why Not Take Both? To choose a suitable insurance product for, the thing to note is the needs of their own.

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